The blog is organized chronologically: The first post assumes you are starting with little or no fitness base and will slowly guide you along. Start in the very beginning by using the Blog Archive on the right and clicking the 2009 posts. Remember, start at the bottom of each page. The first post is called "Doctor's Orders"
I've also mixed in Race Reports and Reviews. If you want, simply skip them and continue with the fitness program. The most recent post is just below here. Cheers!

Instagram: Kona_adventure

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Taking a Blog break

Hey all:

Here it is January 2010 already! I'm currently training for my first Ironman triathlon coming up in 12 weeks. I'm putting in 18-20 hours a week of hardcore workouts and kicking it up to around 25 hours in a month or so. This means no more blog time. I know you have the tools to succeed. I'll check the blog from time to time and add to it if I can.

From the last post, the most important thing is to stick with the plan. No breaks, no excuses. The next step will be to kick up the Zone time to 1.5 hours a day. Do this for about 3 months, then kick it up to 2 hours a day. Do that for about 3 months. And then start into the next higher Zone for a reduced amount of time.

Good luck!


Monday, January 11, 2010

What motivates you?

Some may find this hard to believe but I don't jump out of bed every morning looking forward to a hard workout. I too would rather stay in my warm bed and sleep until the last minute. Today was especially challenging: It's Monday, it's cold, it was 4:45am when my eyes opened, and I had to swim in an outdoor pool. In the beginning of my weight-loss endeavor, I was motivated because I was losing weight on a daily basis. What motivates me now is the fear of being ill-prepared for an Ironman race.

What motivates you?



Thursday, January 7, 2010

Get creative in your thinking

Instead of finding excuses to get out of exercising, find one to get into your Zone! Think about ways to incorporate your training into your everyday life: bicycle commute to work. You work too far? It's too cold, it's too rainy, etc. Excuses. I had a guy working for me that rode his bike from Fremont to Los Gatos. He'd ride to a train station that took him to San Jose then rode the rest of the way by bike. That's commitment to the task. If you think about it you can make it happen.

I recently injured my IT band (left knee/hip) and have been very concerned about my fitness regimen. So I increased my swimming to compensate. My point is that there are always ways to work in your Zone time. Put yourself in high priority mode. You deserve it! Remember, an hour a day in Zone 2, timer starts once you're in the Zone.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year, and Don't be a statistic!

Hello friends,

By now you've bought your HRM, read the manual and tinkered with it a bit, figured out your resting and maximum heart rates, and started on your path to fitness nirvana!  You've also been a good student and performed as instructed in your daily routine of getting into Zone 2 for an hour.  Yes, daily, every day, 7 days a week, no days off.  Perseverance and commitment here will pay dividends.  If you have to, go back and read my previous posts.  Ask questions.  I'm here to help.  NO EXCUSES, go out and raise your heart rate into Zone 2 for an hour.  The timer doesn't start until you're in the Zone.  Don't forget before, during, and after to hydrate with water, no sugary drinks at this point.  When we get more into the program, you can think about electrolyte replacement drinks.

This week I want you to buy a scale, if you don't already have one.  And I don't mean one of those old bathroom scales.  I mean a good digital one or better.  As soon as you get it, hopefully by Monday, I want you to weigh yourself.  Do this at the same time every day.  Our body weight fluctuates quite a bit throughout the day.  Some people find that they're lightest right when they wake up.  Others, like me, are lightest in the late afternoon after work.  I don't know why this is, it just is.  This might take you a couple weeks of weighing yourself several times a day.  Once you've figured out what time of day you will take your weight, start doing it every single day.  You can take a mental note of your progress and I think you'll be amazed at your progress, assuming you stick to the plan: NO DAYS OFF.  PERIOD.  NO EXCUSES.  Even through sickness I raise my heart rate.  You need to commit to the task at hand.

For reasons that I don't fully understand, I found that roughly every 3 weeks or so my weight would actually increase by a pound or two even though I was strictly committed to my plan.  This lasted only one or two days and was only a minor mental setback, slightly discouraging but it passed quickly.  For the most part, I saw daily improvements on the scale and that is unbelievably uplifting to see.  In fact, I was so encouraged to see the scale in the beginning that I'd go out and do another Zone 2 bike ride.  If you're so inclined, do it.

Don't Be a Statistic!
In this morning's Mercury News (Jan 3):
-56% of women ages 25-49 made a resolution to manage their weight.
-41% of resolution-makers who don't make it through the first week!
-Average number of weeks women last before abandoning their resolution: 4.

Be a leader: Persevere and Commit to the task at hand.

Remember, Zone 2 every day for an hour.  The plan will be to increase your time spent in Zone 2 incrementally.  But for now, just get used to doing it every day for an hour.  Every day.  You will be amazed.  Commit to the task and persevere!  Cheers,
